Mary Berry Crushed New Potatoes

Mary Berry Crushed New Potatoes

This delicious Mary Berry Crushed New Potatoes recipe is prepared using baby potatoes, olive oil, crushed garlic, fresh parsley or basil, and ground black pepper. This flavorful Crushed New Potatoes recipe is a perfect side dish that takes about 35 minutes to prepare and can serve up to four people.

Mary Berry Crushed New Potatoes Ingredients

  • 1 pound (450 g) baby potatoes
  • 2 tablespoons (30 ml) olive oil
  • 1 clove garlic crushed
  • 1 teaspoon chopped fresh parsley or basil
  • ½ teaspoon ground black pepper
  • ½ teaspoon salt

How To Make Mary Berry Crushed New Potatoes

  1. Prepare the potatoes: Bring a pot of salted water to a boil, then add the baby potatoes and cook them for about 15 to 20 minutes, or until they are soft and fully cooked.
  2. Prepare the baking sheet: While the potatoes are cooking, cover a baking sheet with olive oil to ensure the potatoes do not stick during baking.
  3. Drain and place potatoes: Remove the potatoes from the pot using a slotted spoon, allowing them to drain, and place them evenly on the prepared baking sheet.
  4. Crush the potatoes: Using a fork or a potato masher, gently crush each potato just enough to break the skin, but not so much that they become flat.
  5. Brush with olive oil: Lightly brush the tops of the crushed potatoes with the remaining olive oil from the baking sheet to ensure they crisp up nicely.
  6. Season the potatoes: Sprinkle the crushed potatoes with sea salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste, then add the crushed garlic and chopped fresh herbs.
  7. Bake the potatoes: Preheat the oven to 200°C (390°F) and place the baking sheet in the oven, baking the potatoes for 10 to 15 minutes, or until they are golden and crispy.
  8. Serve immediately: Once the potatoes are baked to a golden crisp, remove them from the oven and serve right away to enjoy them at their best.

Recipe Tips

  • Use smaller potatoes: Choose uniformly sized baby potatoes to ensure even cooking and consistent texture throughout the dish.
  • Preheat the oven: Make sure your oven is fully preheated to 200°C (390°F) before baking the potatoes for the best results.
  • Add extra garlic: For a stronger garlic flavor, add an extra clove of crushed garlic to the potatoes before baking.
  • Use different herbs: Experiment with different fresh herbs like rosemary or thyme to add a unique flavor twist to your potatoes.
Mary Berry Crushed New Potatoes
Mary Berry Crushed New Potatoes

What To Serve With Crushed New Potatoes

Serve crushed new potatoes with roasted chicken, grilled salmon, or steak for a hearty meal they also pair well with green salads, steamed vegetables, or as part of a vegetarian feast with grilled portobello mushrooms and a bean salad.

How To Store Crushed New Potatoes Leftovers

To Refrigerate: Place the cooled potatoes in an airtight container and store them in the refrigerator for up to three days. Reheat before serving to enjoy them warm and crispy.

To Freeze: It’s not recommended to freeze these potatoes because their texture will become mushy and unappetizing when thawed. Fresh is always best for this dish.

How To Reheat Crushed New Potatoes Leftovers

In The Oven: Preheat your oven to 180°C (350°F). Place the potatoes on a baking sheet and reheat for 10-15 minutes until they are warm and crispy. Cover with foil to prevent drying out.

In The Microwave: Place the potatoes on a microwave-safe plate and cover them with a damp paper towel. Microwave on high for 1-2 minutes until heated through. Check and stir halfway.

In The Air Fryer: Preheat your air fryer to 180°C (350°F). Place the potatoes in the air fryer basket and reheat for about 5-7 minutes until crispy and warm. Shake the basket halfway through.

Mary Berry Crushed New Potatoes
Mary Berry Crushed New Potatoes

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know when the potatoes are fully cooked?

Check the potatoes by piercing them with a fork. If the fork goes in easily without resistance, the potatoes are fully cooked and ready to be removed from the boiling water.

Can I use dried herbs instead of fresh herbs?

Yes, you can use dried herbs instead of fresh herbs. Substitute one-third of the amount of dried herbs for fresh herbs, as dried herbs are more concentrated in flavor.

Mary Berry Crushed New Potatoes Nutrition Facts

Amount Per Serving

  • Calories 166.8
  • Total Fat 10 g
  • Saturated Fat 4.8 g
  • Cholesterol 25.6 mg
  • Sodium 115.4 mg
  • Potassium 124.5 mg
  • Total Carbohydrate 13.2 g
  • Dietary Fiber 1 g
  • Sugars 1 g
  • Protein 5.8 g

More Mary Berry Recipes:

Mary Berry Crushed New Potatoes

Difficulty:BeginnerPrep time: 30 minutesCook time: 35 minutesRest time: 2 minutesTotal time:1 hour 7 minutesServings:6 servingsCalories:166.8 kcal Best Season:Suitable throughout the year


This delicious Mary Berry Crushed New Potatoes recipe is prepared using baby potatoes, olive oil, crushed garlic, fresh parsley or basil, and ground black pepper. This flavorful Crushed New Potatoes recipe is a perfect side dish that takes about 35 minutes to prepare and can serve up to four people.



  1. Prepare the potatoes: Bring a pot of salted water to a boil, then add the baby potatoes and cook them for about 15 to 20 minutes, or until they are soft and fully cooked.
  2. Prepare the baking sheet: While the potatoes are cooking, cover a baking sheet with olive oil to ensure the potatoes do not stick during baking.
  3. Drain and place potatoes: Remove the potatoes from the pot using a slotted spoon, allowing them to drain, and place them evenly on the prepared baking sheet.
  4. Crush the potatoes: Using a fork or a potato masher, gently crush each potato just enough to break the skin, but not so much that they become flat.
  5. Brush with olive oil: Lightly brush the tops of the crushed potatoes with the remaining olive oil from the baking sheet to ensure they crisp up nicely.
  6. Season the potatoes: Sprinkle the crushed potatoes with sea salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste, then add the crushed garlic and chopped fresh herbs.
  7. Bake the potatoes: Preheat the oven to 200°C (390°F) and place the baking sheet in the oven, baking the potatoes for 10 to 15 minutes, or until they are golden and crispy.
  8. Serve immediately: Once the potatoes are baked to a golden crisp, remove them from the oven and serve right away to enjoy them at their best.
Keywords:Mary Berry Crushed New Potatoes

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