James Martin Sweet Shortcrust Pastry

James Martin Sweet Shortcrust Pastry

This James Martin Sweet Shortcrust Pastry recipe is made with plain flour, unsalted butter, icing sugar, and egg yolk. It takes 30 minutes to prepare and makes 12 servings.

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💛 Why This Sweet Shortcrust Pastry Recipe Will Impress Your Guests

  • Buttery Richness: Indulge in the luxurious flavor of buttery goodness that elevates any dessert.
  • Versatility: Perfect for sweet pies, tarts, and desserts, offering endless creative possibilities.
  • Easy Preparation: Simple ingredients and straightforward steps make it accessible for all baking levels.
  • Delicate Texture: Enjoy the delicate, crumbly texture that melts in your mouth with every bite.

❓ What Is James Martin Sweet Shortcrust Pastry Recipe?

James Martin Sweet Shortcrust Pastry is a classic pastry made from plain flour, unsalted butter, icing sugar, and egg yolk. It has a crumbly texture and a sweet, buttery taste. The name “sweet” comes from the addition of icing sugar, which gives it its delightful sweetness.

James Martin Sweet Shortcrust Pastry
James Martin Sweet Shortcrust Pastry

🥚 James Martin Sweet Shortcrust Pastry Ingredients

  • 150g plain flour
  • 75g unsalted butter
  • 50g icing sugar
  • 1 egg yolk

🥯 How To Make James Martin Sweet Shortcrust Pastry

  1. Put 150g plain flour and 75g unsalted butter in a bowl and rub with fingertips to make breadcrumbs.
  2. After adding 50g icing sugar and a teaspoon of salt, beat in 1 egg yolk. If the pastry is too dry to dough, add 1 tbsp water.
  3. After shaping the dough into a ball, flatten it into a disc, wrap it in cling film, and chill for 30 minutes before using in recipes. Try making our apple-blackberry pies with it.

💭 Recipe Tips

  • Use cold butter and handle the dough minimally to prevent it from becoming tough.
  • Ensure the pastry is rolled out evenly to achieve a consistent thickness for even baking.
  • Avoid overmixing the dough to prevent gluten development, which can result in a tough pastry.
  • If you don’t have icing sugar, you can use regular sugar, but the texture may be slightly different.
  • Be mindful of the sweetness level if using the pastry for savory dishes, as it has a naturally sweet taste due to the icing sugar.
James Martin Sweet Shortcrust Pastry
James Martin Sweet Shortcrust Pastry

🍯 What To Serve With Sweet Shortcrust Pastry?

Sweet Shortcrust Pastry pairs well with various fillings such as fruit compotes, custards, chocolate ganache, or even savory fillings like cheese and vegetable mixtures for delicious tarts and pies.

🎚 How To Store Leftovers Sweet Shortcrust Pastry?

  • In The Fridge. To store Leftovers Sweet Shortcrust Pastry wrap it in plastic and refrigerate for up to 3 days.
  • In The Freezer. To freeze Leftovers Sweet Shortcrust Pastry wrap tightly in plastic and aluminum foil, then store for up to 3 months.

🥵 How To Reheat Leftovers Sweet Shortcrust Pastry?

  • In The Oven: Reheat Leftovers Sweet Shortcrust Pastry in a preheated oven at 350°F for 5-10 minutes until warm and crisp.
  • In The Toaster Oven: Place Leftovers Sweet Shortcrust Pastry slices in a toaster oven and heat for 3-5 minutes until warmed through.
  • In The Microwave: Microwave individual portions for 20-30 seconds on high power until heated. Avoid overheating to prevent sogginess.


How Can I Prevent Sweet Shortcrust Pastry From Sticking To The Rolling Pin?

Prevent sweet shortcrust pastry from sticking to the rolling pin by lightly flouring both the pastry and the rolling pin before rolling it out.

How Do I Know When Sweet Shortcrust Pastry Is Fully Baked?

Know when sweet shortcrust pastry is fully baked by looking for a golden brown color on the edges and bottom, and a firm, dry texture throughout.

How Do I Repair Cracks Or Tears In Sweet Shortcrust Pastry Dough?

Repair cracks or tears in sweet shortcrust pastry dough by gently pressing the dough back together with your fingers and smoothing it out with a bit of water if needed.

How Do I Achieve A Golden Brown Color On Sweet Shortcrust Pastry?

Achieve a golden brown color on sweet shortcrust pastry by brushing it with an egg wash before baking, or using a milk or cream wash for a lighter color.

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James Martin Sweet Shortcrust Pastry Nutrition Facts

Amount per Serving

  • Calories: kcal275
  • fat: 14g
  • saturates: 8g
  • carbs: 33g
  • sugars: 10g
  • fibre1g:
  • protein: 4g
  • salt: 0.2g

James Martin Sweet Shortcrust Pastry

Difficulty:BeginnerPrep time: 20 minutesCook time: 10 minutesRest time: minutesTotal time: 30 minutesServings:12 servingsCalories:275 kcal Best Season:Suitable throughout the year


This James Martin Sweet Shortcrust Pastry recipe is made with plain flour, unsalted butter, icing sugar, and egg yolk. It takes 30 minutes to prepare and makes 12 servings.



  1. Put 150g plain flour and 75g unsalted butter in a bowl and rub with fingertips to make breadcrumbs.
  2. After adding 50g icing sugar and a teaspoon of salt, beat in 1 egg yolk. If the pastry is too dry to dough, add 1 tbsp water.
  3. After shaping the dough into a ball, flatten it into a disc, wrap it in cling film, and chill for 30 minutes before using in recipes. Try making our apple-blackberry pies with it.


  • Use cold butter and handle the dough minimally to prevent it from becoming tough.
    Ensure the pastry is rolled out evenly to achieve a consistent thickness for even baking.
    Avoid overmixing the dough to prevent gluten development, which can result in a tough pastry.
    If you don’t have icing sugar, you can use regular sugar, but the texture may be slightly different.
    Be mindful of the sweetness level if using the pastry for savory dishes, as it has a naturally sweet taste due to the icing sugar.
Keywords:James Martin Sweet Shortcrust Pastry

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