Mary Berry Rhubarb Sponge

Mary Berry Rhubarb Sponge

Discover the delightful flavors of a Mary Berry Rhubarb Sponge. This easy-to-follow recipe calls for fresh rhubarb, sponge cake essentials, and a hint of sweetness. In just 60 minutes, you’ll have 6 servings of this delectable treat ready to enjoy.

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The Allure Of This Mouth-Watering Recipe

  • Bursting With Flavor. When you take a bite, the tangy rhubarb, tangy lemon, and sweet vanilla all come together in a delicious way.
  • Easy To Make. This recipe is great for both experienced bakers and newbies who want to be surprised. It has simple ingredients and clear instructions.
  • Moist And Tender. When you add self-rising flour and butter, you get a sponge that is soft, moist, and melts in your mouth.
  • Versatile And Adaptable. This recipe can be a tasty dessert or a nice treat to have with tea. Serve it hot with a sprinkle of icing sugar to make it even sweeter.

What Is Mary Berry Rhubarb Sponge Recipe?

Mary Berry Rhubarb Sponge is a tart and moist British treat made with fresh rhubarb, self-raising flour, butter, sugar, eggs, and a hint of lemon zest. It’s named after the well-known baker Mary Berry and has a great mix of tastes.

Mary Berry Rhubarb Sponge
Mary Berry Rhubarb Sponge

Mary Berry Rhubarb Sponge Ingredients

  • 350g (12 oz) rhubarb, trimmed and cut into small pieces
  • 250g (9 oz) self-raising flour
  • 250g (9 oz) unsalted butter, softened
  • 250g (9 oz) golden caster sugar
  • 4 large eggs
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 2 tbsp milk
  • Zest of 1 lemon
  • 50g (2 oz) flaked almonds
  • Icing sugar, for dusting

How To Make Mary Berry Rhubarb Sponge?

  1. Preheat the oven to 180°C (160°C fan/350°F/Gas 4) (160°C fan/350°F/Gas 4). Grease and line with parchment paper a 23cm (9-inch) round cake tin.
  2. Place the rhubarb and a dash of water in a saucepan. Cook for approximately 5 minutes at a low temperature until tender. Drain and reserve.
  3. In a large mixing basin, cream the butter and sugar together until light and fluffy.
  4. Beat in the eggs one by one, ensuring that each egg is thoroughly combined before adding the next. Mix in the vanilla extract and lemon rind thoroughly.
  5. Sift the self-rising flour into the mixing bowl, then gradually fold it into the mixture. Stir in the milk until the batter is smooth and thoroughly combined.
  6. Gently incorporate the cooked rhubarb into the batter until it is evenly distributed throughout.
  7. Pour the cake batter into the prepared pan, then smooth the surface with a spatula. Almond flakes are sprinkled on top of the pastry.
  8. 50 to 60 minutes in a preheated oven, or until a skewer inserted into the center of the cake comes out clean.
  9. Remove the cake from the oven and allow it to settle for a few minutes in the pan. Then, place it on a wire rack to chill thoroughly.
  10. Before serving, dust the chilled cake with icing sugar.

Recipe Tips

  • If you want your Mary Berry Rhubarb Sponge to taste and feel its best, use fresh rhubarb.
  • Make sure your butter is soft enough to make a sponge that is light and fluffy.
  • Don’t mix the batter too much or it will get too thick. Instead, slowly fold in the ingredients until they are mixed.
  • Use self-rising flour to make sure the sponge rises the right way.
  • Depending on how sweet you like things, you can add more or less sugar.
  • Don’t put too many pieces of rhubarb in the batter, or the cake will be too moist.
  • Try out different spices, like cinnamon or ginger, to add depth and warmth to the taste.

What To Serve With Rhubarb Sponge?

Mary Berry Rhubarb Sponge is versatile. Serve it warm with whipped cream or vanilla ice cream. Warm custard over the sponge adds tanginess. As a teatime treat, try it alone.

Mary Berry Rhubarb Sponge
Mary Berry Rhubarb Sponge

How To Store Rhubarb Sponge?

  • In The Fridge. The Traditional Mary Berry Rhubarb Sponge can be kept for up to 2 days at room temperature in an airtight container after it has cooled fully.
  • In The Freezer. If you want to freeze the sponge, wrap it tightly in foil or plastic wrap and put it in a container that can go in the freezer. You can freeze it for up to three months.

How To Reheat Rhubarb Sponge?

  • In The Oven. Preheat your oven to a low temperature (around 300°F or 150°C). Place the sliced sponge on a baking sheet and warm it in the oven for about 10-15 minutes until heated through.
  • In The Microwave. Cut a slice of the Rhubarb Sponge and place it on a microwave-safe plate. Heat it in the microwave on medium power for 20-30 seconds, checking periodically to avoid overheating.
  • Steamer. If you have a steamer, you can reheat the Rhubarb Sponge by placing it in a steamer basket and steaming it for 5-7 minutes until warmed.


How Can I Use Frozen Rhubarb In The Cake?

To use frozen rhubarb in the cake, thaw it completely and drain any excess liquid before incorporating it into the recipe.

Why Is My Rhubarb Cake Soggy?

A soggy rhubarb cake can be caused by excess moisture from the rhubarb. Ensure the rhubarb is properly drained and adjust the baking time if needed.

How Do I Know When The Rhubarb Sponge Is Fully Cooked?

The Rhubarb Sponge is fully cooked when a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean and the top is golden brown.

Can I Make A Rhubarb Sponge With A Different Type Of Nut Instead Of Almonds?

Yes, you can substitute almonds with a different type of nut, such as walnuts or pecans, for a different flavor and texture in your Rhubarb Sponge.

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Mary Berry Rhubarb Sponge Nutrition Facts

Amount Per Serving

  • Calories: 350
  • Total Fat: 20g
  • Saturated Fat:10g
  • Cholesterol: 100mg
  • Sodium: 200mg
  • Carbohydrates: 50g
  • Fiber: 3g
  • Sugars: 30g
  • Protein: 7g

Are You Looking For Best Mary Berry Cookbooks ? Here Are Top 5 Best Seller Mary Berry Cookbooks You Should Have:

Mary Berry Best Cookbooks

  1. Mary Makes it Easy Cookbook
  2. Mary Berry’s Baking Bible
  3. Baking with Mary Berry
  4. Mary Berry’s Simple Comforts (recommended)
  5. Mary Berry Quick Cooking

Mary Berry Rhubarb Sponge

Difficulty:BeginnerPrep time: 30 minutesCook time: 30 minutesRest time: minutesTotal time:1 hour Servings:6 servingsCalories:350 kcal Best Season:Summer


Discover the delightful flavors of a Mary Berry Rhubarb Sponge. This easy-to-follow recipe calls for fresh rhubarb, sponge cake essentials, and a hint of sweetness. In just 60 minutes, you’ll have 6 servings of this delectable treat ready to enjoy.



  1. Preheat the oven to 180°C (160°C fan/350°F/Gas 4) (160°C fan/350°F/Gas 4). Grease and line with parchment paper a 23cm (9-inch) round cake tin.
  2. Place the rhubarb and a dash of water in a saucepan. Cook for approximately 5 minutes at a low temperature until tender. Drain and reserve.
  3. In a large mixing basin, cream the butter and sugar together until light and fluffy.
  4. Beat in the eggs one by one, ensuring that each egg is thoroughly combined before adding the next. Mix in the vanilla extract and lemon rind thoroughly.
  5. Sift the self-rising flour into the mixing bowl, then gradually fold it into the mixture. Stir in the milk until the batter is smooth and thoroughly combined.
  6. Gently incorporate the cooked rhubarb into the batter until it is evenly distributed throughout.
  7. Pour the cake batter into the prepared pan, then smooth the surface with a spatula. Almond flakes are sprinkled on top of the pastry.
  8. 50 to 60 minutes in a preheated oven, or until a skewer inserted into the center of the cake comes out clean.
  9. Remove the cake from the oven and allow it to settle for a few minutes in the pan. Then, place it on a wire rack to chill thoroughly.
  10. Before serving, dust the chilled cake with icing sugar.


  • If you want your Mary Berry Rhubarb Sponge to taste and feel its best, use fresh rhubarb.
  • Make sure your butter is soft enough to make a sponge that is light and fluffy.
  • Don’t mix the batter too much or it will get too thick. Instead, slowly fold in the ingredients until they are just mixed.
  • Use self-rising flour to make sure the sponge rises the right way.
  • Depending on how sweet you like things, you can add more or less sugar.
  • Don’t put too many pieces of rhubarb in the batter, or the cake will be too moist.
  • Try out different spices, like cinnamon or ginger, to add depth and warmth to the taste.
Keywords:Mary Berry Rhubarb Sponge

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